Han Zhang

ITP Thesis 2

Cytokinesis aims to cherish the membrane between human intimacy as a beautiful embodiment of both equilibrium and uniqueness. At the very early stage of human life form since meiosis, the boundary between individuals has already been established to preserve differences and variations. Just as our cells split from our parents’, we differentiate from each other through that formation of membrane. The membrane separates us into both subjects and objects. Through the membranes that tear us apart, we get closer to each other.

What is this invisible membrane that veils partially of your presence from me?  How do we feel the elastic force that bonds and separates us from each other? What is the binary poles of relationships? Are they even present? Can we merge into one wholesome being with a collective mind in an intimate relationship, or is it more like a power play, another form of consumption. Someone is always taking over the other.

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